No matter who you host with, the hosts job is just to keep the website online. Think of your hosting payment like paying rent for your office. Maintenance is like have an office janitor or handyman on staff. They would clean, repair, and maintain the office, ensuring the office functions uninterrupted. That is how Website Maintenance works.

Our website maintenance includes a monthly report card that gets emailed to your company. Here’s what you can expect to see:
- Visual Inspection (Page by Page)
- Verify SSL Certificate
- Run Anti-Malware Scan (Complete)
- Run WP-Optimize (Site Speed)
- Update Plugins (That we can): No Conflicts found.
- Manual (Redundant) Backup of Website
- Update WordPress: No Conflicts Found
- Inspected Uptime Report (Site Stability)
- Remove Unused Plugins
Outside of these tasks we take pro-active steps to replace plugins based on information within the word press community.
Please feel free to Call, Text, Email, or use the Contact Form to the right to get in contact with us. We appreciate your time and look forward to familiarizing ourselves with your business needs!